
Traditions are the heartbeat of the college experience. From the Latin meaning literally "to hand down,“这些东西把我们在中央的经历联系在一起, passed on from one generation to the next. From high formal traditions to the ridiculous, 它们是作为一名学生和校友的重要组成部分.

The Alma Mater

Central's current Alma Mater replaced the original one, set to the hymn-tune "Finlandia,,以此来表达CMU作为“关怀学院”的使命, and was coauthored by two CMU professors, Dr. Don Eidson (lyrics) and Dr. R. Paul Drummond (music).

An eagle soars upon the winds of college memories,
Again our hearts beat fast as we Our Alma Mater praise.
Upon on a hill amid the trees, The eagle dared to soar,
Central for ever! We'll sing they praise. Our Alma Mater! To thee our voices raise.
A faculty who care for those Who wear the black and green.
But Central will remain our Alma Mater to the last.
Central for ever! We'll sing they praise. Our Alma Mater! To thee our voices raise.

Fight Song

最初的战斗歌曲《十大博彩平台》(Hail Victory)是由罗伯特. Stepp, Jr., then a band student at Central College. 1990年,他回到中环庆祝五十周年, 他很惊讶我们还在用他学生时代写的战斗歌. 他决定要创作一首新的战斗歌曲,于是他联系了布伦顿教授. Keith House, then Dean of the Swinney Conservatory of Music, and asked that he find someone to write a new fight song, offering $250 for this commission. Professor House contacted Andy Glover, 1983年毕业于CMU,现任巴恩豪斯出版公司首席运营官, who composed the music and lyrics for a new fight song, Fighting Eagles. This led to a rare distinction for Central, 由于新的只是简单地添加到原来的,所以一段时间, CMU had two fight songs until 2005, 当时这首新歌被正式采纳为博彩平台推荐的官方战歌.

"Fighting Eagles"

Fight onward to our goal
We'll blaze ahead to victory
Our banner waves leading us to triumph
Now let's all shout out our cheer
We'll fight ever bold and strong
And march on to the goal to win
The brave Eagles will prevail forever

Passing Under the Tower

中央体验开始和结束于一个重要的传统-在塔下通过. At Freshmen Convocation, the very first day of classes, 新生们在人行道上排队,被领着从塔楼下进入教堂,开始他们作为CMU学生的职业生涯. When they finish their four years here, 他们排着队参加毕业典礼, signaling their transition from student to graduate.

The Baccalaureate Procession

毕业典礼当天早上的学士学位游行是中央大学毕业生最喜爱的传统之一. 在林恩纪念教堂举行学士学位仪式之前,学生和教职员工在四方广场上排队. 当游行队伍开始时,学生们站在人行道两旁,一边走过一边向他们的老师鼓掌. As the faculty approach the entrance to the church, 他们分散到人行道两侧,在学生们经过并进入教堂时为他们鼓掌.

The Lucky Barn

No matter what generation you are from, Hwy. 240在学生心中有着特殊的地位,就像在你回家或回家的路上,蜿蜒的道路似乎永远不会结束, or just a night out in Columbia. About 5 miles south of town, on the northeast side of the road sits the Lucky Barn, down in a valley, its face adorned with a quilt pattern. The details of the story change from decade to decade, 但每一只真正的鹰都知道,经过幸运谷仓时不按喇叭——每位乘客按一次,谷仓按一次——是冒着明显不走运的风险. Ask an alum about the boy in the barn…

Haunted Everything

Speaking of spooky legends, Central is home to some seriously haunted buildings, 费耶特大学一直被评为全美最擅长超自然现象的大学之一. 从深夜在教堂塔下游荡的乐队指挥到在布兰诺克大厅游荡的男孩,再到在霍华德佩恩大厅五楼的女孩,以及校园里几乎每个地方都有无数无法解释的目击事件, 中心的传统从这个维度延伸到下一个维度!

Lost Traditions

Game Day on the Square

在费耶特,如果不去广场观看游行鹰队的表演,就没有一场主场足球比赛是完整的. 游行乐队仍然保持着历史悠久的传统,从林恩纪念教堂的台阶前游行到霍华德县法院的台阶,演奏曲调,让家乡的观众为比赛做好准备. Just as time-honored, but less frequently carried out, 按照传统,如果主队获胜,乐队会回到广场举行庆祝音乐会. Go Eagles!


For more than 6 decades, 中央大学的学生和校友们都聚集在麦克米伦咖啡馆(MacMillan’s cafe)——被亲切地称为Mac’s——这是当地一个传奇的酒吧, 这里是同学会聚会的中流砥柱,也是众所周知的人人都知道你名字的地方. 虽然Mac's在2003年关闭,但这个传奇仍在许多故事中延续. Just ask an alum about their favorite time at Mac's!

Marching on the President's Home

从20世纪初的某个时候开始,确切的年份不详,一种传统发展起来了, when the football team would win a home game, the student body would march on the President's Home, then located only a block from campus on Linn Street, and demand a day off from classes. Records indicate that on at least two occasions, 他们成功地取消了当天的课程. 但是不要抱太大的希望——老鹰足球已经从那些胜利是非常罕见的商品的日子里走了很长一段路!

Kissing on the Howard-Payne Porches

Built in 1858, 被称为霍华德-佩恩(Howard- payne)的男女混合宿舍之所以如此命名,是因为它最初是霍华德女子学院的学生宿舍, which was eventually merged with Central College in 1922. Part of the original structure included grand, covered wrap-around brick porches, 哪里会有很多男女同校的聚会在晚上8点和9点举行! 当宿舍妈妈敲钟时,最后的晚安之吻成为了标准的情人传统,直到门廊结构不牢固时才被拆除.

Freshmen Pray for Rain

入会仪式和其他传统一样,与大学经历交织在一起. 一个这样的“第一周”传统是,大一男生在深夜从(当时)全是男生的麦克默里礼堂(McMurry Hall)被列队带到全是女生的霍华德-佩恩学院(Howard-Payne). 女士们会打开窗户,让男士们打招呼, or pray for rain, upon which the women, ready with their buckets of water, would douse the poor freshmen, 然后被押回麦克默里和高年级学生一起唱歌.

The Windmill/Bobber Café

For many generations of students, 深夜的饥饿意味着跑到布恩维尔的风车(后来被称为鲍勃咖啡馆)卡车站吃他们臭名昭著的24小时早餐. 虽然饼干和肉汁可能不再在凌晨1点供应(Bobber已经关门了), 在回家的路上躲避新富兰克林警察仍然是新生的必经之路.